Monday, December 18, 2006

Dearest BEE

Once again I thank you for giving me the most wonderful time I ever had in my life. And I believe this will be better and better the way we treasure and appreciate each other. Like we have said, the level we are experiencing now is much much better than our honeymoon period.

Soon, we will be celebrating our 2nd birthdays together. Yeah! by the way, there is a slight delay in the making of your secret christmas card, you should be able to receive it before your Birthday! hee...

不要轻易说爱, 许下的承诺就是欠下的债…
老鼠对猫说我爱你, 猫说你走开, 老鼠流泪走开...
女人善变的是脸, 男人善变的是心…
在爱情的世界里, 没有谁对不起谁, 只有谁不懂珍惜谁…
要记得抓紧爱情, 而不是抓伤彼此的感情…

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