Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A little mood swing

Yesterday was all gloomy day... all started with my nuisance sms early in the morning. I was holding back already knowing that I will make you unhappy but I still cannot resist to send out that sms... just becoz of that "breathe" (咽不下的一口气)This time there is no argument, I guess like you said, we have been over this issue again and again. Already nothing to debate or comfort anymore. We both have our own point of view and for the rest of the day, it was silence.

All is back to normal today. The sun is out shining, rainbow after the rain. A nice surprise too, u sms me that you are back home after ur gym. hmm... u have not done that for a long long time. *happy*

If you notice, the weather these two days are the exact opposite from our mood :)

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